
Skep via @youtube

England Now...

Bien Evidament

Do the French still live in Paris.?

ClubOrlov: An Exit Strategy for Traitors

ClubOrlov: An Exit Strategy for Traitors: [ Ein Fluchtplan für Verräter ] [ Une strategie de sortie pour les traîtres ] [ Предательская стратегия ухода ] [ Una strategia di uscita...

This is a long and desperately sad read


Latest Exam Results

I wonder if the poor English results
 is because the Kids weren't...!

posted from Bloggeroid

Electric Boat

Lithium for Yachts...early days...

Lithium Batteries Install aboard Yacht:

Happy Holidays

I love to go sailing in Greece
and in 
the warm clear blue waters 
you can see the shadow of your boat on the seabed
the sea is DEAD
there are NO fish
the water is now too warm for them

A satellite image displaying the amount of Chlorophyll a, an indicator of phytoplankton. In the eastern Mediterranean you can see predominantly dark blue colors indicating little Chlorophyll

No Chlorophyll = no Plankton = No Fish = Dead, Lifeless Waters


2010 was the hottest year on record, and the 2000s the hottest decade on record. 
From peat fires around Moscow to huge floods in Pakistan, super hurricanes, super storms, super winter snowfalls and floods or, alternately, extended drought (even both in Australia) are becoming the norm. 
Seas are rising and ice is melting faster than scientists imagined possible even as recently as 2007.
 Tropical forests continue to fall. 
Glacier melt is accelerating around the world with dire implications for agriculture from India to China, California to Peru. 
Rivers are drying up. 
Soil depletion continues unabated. 
Water tables are falling relentlessly around the world. 
Drought has become a permanent feature of the American Southwest, of Australia, of regions of Africa and the Middle East, and northern China. 
Ocean fisheries are collapsing right and left. 
Coral reefs, scientists now think, could die off in many places by mid-century and over the entire planet by 2100. 
Penguin colonies are at risk. 
The collective impact of nearly 7 billion people pumping their emissions into the atmosphere and dumping their excreta and toxics into drains and rivers that eventually issue into the seas is changing the chemical composition of the world's vast oceans, threatening the future of living creatures in the oceans and those who live off the oceans. 
We're destroying life and wiping out species so fast that, in Bill McKibben's words, "We're running Genesis backward, decreating..!"

Dog Days

Hello - what is the name of your dog?

His name is LONDON


Well -  he is Black and Brown with patches of White...!


On my recent trip to the U.S
I was talking to the taxi driver about our high fuel costs
so to get my figures correct I did some calculations

Here are the latest figures

  • 1 litre is US 0.2642 gallon
  • 1 litre cost £1.27
  • 1 USgallon is 3.7854 litres
  • 1 USgallon costs £4.807458 or USD7.86750 

that is Seven dollars 87 cents a gallon.....
did he believe me??


Greek Tragedy....The suicide of a Nation

Sail Away..Sail Away..

The Cruising Association has a copy, in Greek, of a law debated by the Greek Government which will be implemented once it has been published (gazetted)  
The law introduces a "Staying Fee" to be levied on small leisure craft over 7m LOA which sail, moor or anchor in Greek waters
The fee will apply to both commercial and private craft. 
The registration document LOA will be used for calculating fees.
The fee is payable from 1st January, 2014. It will cover one calender year's stay, with an option to pay for monthly periods for craft over 12m LOA. Amounts are:
7m - 8m                 £166.81 (£166.81 (€200))
8m – 10m              £250.21 (£250.21 (€300))
10m – 12m             £333.62 (£333.62 (€400))
Over 12m               £83.4 (£83.4 (€100))/metre
Vessels over 12m have two options to reduce costs; pay £8.34 (£8.34 (€10)) per metre for the month ahead, or be “permanently based” in Greece and obtain a 30% discount from the annual fee. 
Receipts for fees must be carried with ships papers, and may be asked for at any time. The receipt is valid for the whole period of pre-payment, and remains valid if the boat leaves Greek waters and returns later. Rebates are not payable for periods out of Greek waters.
“Electronic” payment will be possible annually in December for the following year, or on entry into Greek waters. When arriving in a port of entry, EU boats obtaining a DEKPA, and non-EU boats obtaining a Transit Log, can pay cash on arrival.  
Boats already in Greece on 1 Jan 2014 will need to pay at their local tax office or port authority to remain in Greece.

A similar proposal by the government of Flanders was deemed illegal by the EU Commission some years ago as it infringes the Treaty of Rome by restricting the free movement of people and their possessions across national borders. 

So The international yacht community in Greece has a fight on its hands.
 First thing  - refuse to pay.
Second many people,  will sail away westwards into the sunset 
and let them whistle for their tax. 
Hopefully boatyard and marina operators will see the dangers of such a tax and will lobby their government. as they will soon realise that they would lose more than they could gain for tourism is the prime, if not the main industry of Greece,

How utterly mad it is to supertax the boats who support the 

  • Shops, 
  • Marina's, 
  • Taverna's 
  • Boatyards,
  • Charter companies,
  • Hotels,
  • Ferries and 
  • Airlines.

These latter day Trojans will see an armada of small boats setting sail and leaving such crazy madness in their wake....
How are the mighty fallen - The Greatest Shipping Nation in the World reduced to beggary...

Jam today.....

I have just returned from Honolulu
I was amazed to see the early morning traffic of 12 jammed lanes 
These massive numbers of vehicles each pumping out exhaust fumes really did make it


hard to breathe and my eyes stung continually... 
It must be the same in China too
Until you see this sort of thing one can dismiss the global warming warnings as spurious but the realisation  soon dawns that Victorian Chimneys were not alone in causing damage to the atmosphere

Ici on ne parle pas l'Anglais

  • Ici on ne parle pas l'Anglais

  • Government figures reveal the five schools with no native English speakers
  • In 240 more, at least 90 per cent of students have a different first language


in slough



That puts non-UK born as making up 39% of the areas population.
From 28,557 non-UK born residents in 2001, the total – that we know of! – is now 54,652.

As the immigration invasion continues, figures released by the Oxford University Migration Observatory have revealed that the number of foreign born living in Slough has almost doubled in just the 10 years since 2001.
According to 2011 Census figures, only 34.5% of residents define themselves as White British.
Those defining themselves as Asian/Asian British made up 39.7% on the census, with the highest subgroup among them being Pakistani (17.7%).
The doom of the White British people: to become ever more a minority in area after area of their own land?

Third World NHS for Third World Britain

NHS recruits thousands of doctors from Third World... while limits on places deny British students chance to study medicine

  • Health Service is hiring one third of its doctors from 143 different nations

Third World Standards in our Hospitals

Each day, 4 patients in the UK die from hunger or dehydration in our hospitals.
In 2011 a total of 115 patients died from dehydration and 48 died of malnutrition  as a direct cause whilst a further  812 were suffering from dehydration and 301 from malnutrition as a contributory cause when they died.
In one case, a patient was so thirsty he dialled 999. The police officer who attended said that he twice witnessed staff ignoring the patient’s request for water.
Apart from lack of food and dehydration, 78 hospital patients and 39 care home patients were killed by bedsores. A total of 21,696 people who died were recorded as suffering from septicaemia, which is usually brought on by insufficiently cared-for wounds.

I wonder why?

People live in fear of being ill and having to go into hospital to be treated by Africa/Asian, Filipino nurses, being tribal these people are only interested in their own. 
And still nurses are still treated like some sacred cow, considered to be beyond critisism.

No Connection - honest....!

British Gas to raise prices by 9.2%

British Gas is to increase prices for domestic customers, with a dual-fuel bill going up by 9.2% from 23 November.
The increase, which will affect nearly eight million households in the UK, includes an 8.4% rise in gas prices and a 10.4% increase in electricity prices.

The Reality..!

The Forecast

Very Strange

  • Switch off Street Lights
  • Cut the Army
  • Sink the Navy

and yet there is any amount of funding to send Long Range Jets to bomb "Regimes"
  • Where are the Police
  • Where are the Midwives
  • Where are the Nurses

How about that then..!

Look at these graphs

Do you notice any thing?

Forget about  Climate Change, Overpopulation, Immigrants taking all the jobs and all the other excuses are merely hiding the fact that there is 


If these likely lads are British - then I'm a Dutchman

The leaders of the al-Qaeda cell from Birmingham. 
Birmingham, terror, suicide, bomb

From left to right, Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid and Ashik Ali.
 Photo: West Midlands Police/PA


Fiji fights to stay afloat as fuel costs soar

Rising petrol prices have disrupted the ocean travel needed to reach Fiji's far-flung islands.

This will happen to Greece and all the holiday spots of the Mediterranean too

Where there's a will there is a way [Check out these below]


Britain's debt mountain reaches £1.39 TRILLION, equivalent to 90% of the entire economy

By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor
Britain’s debt mountain has topped £1.387trillion, and is now the equivalent of 90 per cent of the entire economy -  new figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed today.

Gross national debt has risen dramatically since the financial crash in 2007, new figures from the Office for National Statistics show
Gross national debt has risen dramatically since the financial crash in 2007, new figures from the Office for National Statistics show

The ONS said that in December gross debt, which includes all financial liabilities of both central and local government but does not take account of liquid assets, was £1,387,436,000,000, up seven per cent on a year earlier.

By comparison, the entire British economy was valued at £1,541,465,000,000.

In a boost for George Osborne, today's figures show how annual government borrowing has fallen markedly since 2009
In a boost for George Osborne, today's figures show how annual government borrowing has fallen markedly since 2009



Britain will be giving £1.4billion over five-year to Pakistan

At home the figures provoked renewed criticism of the Coalition’s £10billion annual aid budget, which is due to continue rising while most other Whitehall departments are forced to make savings.

Tory MP Philip Davies said: “For some reason, the Government has taken leave of its senses on the question of overseas aid.

“Whatever the rights and wrongs of foreign aid, the fact is that this country has got no money and when your finances go down you have to adjust your spending accordingly.

“It’s bizarre that we are effectively borrowing money from other countries to give it away in overseas aid.”

“Spending the biggest proportion of national wealth on international aid globally will be little comfort to taxpayers who also face one of the biggest deficits in the world. 


Britain continues to increase its aid commitments

It’s bizarre that we are effectively borrowing money from other countries to give it away in overseas aid [Tory MP Philip Davies]

Pakistan will become the largest recipient of UK aid next year but only around one per cent of the country’s population pays income tax

Family Silver Sold - but where is the money now.....?

Just look at the way the Spivs have sold all our transport assets

Where's the Money?

High fuel costs

Date published: 8 February 2013 
Almost half of UK motorists have cut back on driving or stopped completely as high fuel costs put a strain on household budgets, according to new research.
When asked by comparison site MoneySupermarket if another increase in petrol prices would change the way they drive, two in five said they have already taken action and reduced the amount they drive, and 6% have stopped driving altogether.
Meanwhile, almost one in five make sure they drive more fuel efficiently, and 6% have switched cars to a cost effective eco model.
One in seven has taken no action and not changed their driving habits at all.
Clare Francis of MoneySupermarket said: "Shop around for the best deal on the forecourt to make sure you aren't paying over the odds for your fuel; type your postcode into to find the cheapest options in your area.”
Motorists can also cut back on the overall cost of driving by shopping around when buying car insurance.
Top tips to combat high fuel costs
  • Shed the extra weight - the heavier the car, the more fuel it consumes so offload any unnecessary items kept in the boot to cut costs.
  • Regular service - getting your car serviced when it’s due means it will not only last longer but be more fuel efficient.
  • Plan ahead - carefully planning your route means you can avoid busy roads and possibly lengthy spells in traffic.
  • Wrap up in winter - winter driving can increase engine workload by up to 3% as 'warm-up' idling and increased use of heaters all put extra strain on the engine. Cut this down by covering windscreens on winter nights, and turn off unnecessary car electrics.
  • Adapt your driving - save money by cutting back on engine revs and accelerate smoothly. Keep gear changes as smooth as possible and avoid sharp acceleration and braking.
  • Don't drive as much - big savings can be made by cutting down the number of you miles you drive. Try car sharing, and combining several errands in one trip to help cut down on fuel costs and reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle.
  • Catch the bus
  • Take the Train
  • Shop on-line....

Debtors prison


UK Debt.

OK all we need is Growth - more jobs - build more houses and......

For the past three decades, the UK has had a completely relaxed attitude about selling off its assets to companies based abroad.
 Indeed, most of the time, the swallowing up of yet another great British institution barely makes a headline.

  • Jaguar Rover (to India), 
  • Asda (to the U.S.), 
  • MG Rover (to China), 
  • P&O Ports (to Dubai), 
  • the British Airports Authority (to Spain), 
  • Corus (formerly British Steel, to India), 
  • British Energy (to France), and 
  • lottery operator Camelot (to Canada). 
  • That bus you boarded at Trafalgar Square is run by a German company. 
  • Boots fell to the Italians in 2007. 
  • Selfridges, Fortnum & Mason and the Savoy are owned by Canadians;
  • Harrods has been bought by a firm based in Qatar;
  • the Dorchester by one based in Brunei
  • As for our airports, most of them are now run by a Spanish firm.

So having "sold all the family silver" and our finest brains drained away to better climes... who is now going to set the ball rolling to prosperity...Think again!

Last year, 207,000 British citizens - one every three minutes - left the country 

Surveys indicate that another one million are set to pack their bags for good over the next five years and a further 500,000 live abroad for part of the year.

More than 50 per cent of the British emigrants moved to just four countries in 2006 - Australia, New Zealand, France and Spain. Eight in every 100 went to the USA.
The ONS said that overall last year there were 591,000 immigrants to the UK and 400,000 emigrants, both the highest figures ever recorded.

Perhaps from our multicultural melting pot will spurt a cast iron solution to One Trillion Pounds of Debt - Ha!


Mali itself, like much of Africa is rich in raw materials. 
It has large reserves of gold, uranium and most recently, though western oil companies try to hide it, of oil, lots of oil.

Self Evident


The real reasons are never mentioned but suspicions are confirmed by a simple Google search

Not of this Parish

If you think we are alone in the Enrichment Invasion
Look Here

heb ei erchi ar gyfer
heb eu gofyn


Do Old White Men all look the same?

Death by Taxes II

UK average fuel price in litres (unleaded 95 octane)

Month, yearUK AVERAGE
Fuel Price in litres
(unleaded 95 octane)
Tax, pence% tax
January 200689.460.4367.6
February 20069060.4867.2
March 20069060.4867.2
April 200694.661.2164.7
May 200696.861.5663.6
June 200695.961.3864
July 200697.561.6263.2
August 200698.262.0663.2
September 200690.360.5967.1
October 200686.660.0169.3
November 20068659.9469.7
December 200688.261.4869.7
January 200787.561.4370.2
February 200786.961.2670.5
March 200789.561.6768.9
April 200792.862.1867
May 200795.962.6265.3
June 20079762.7664.7
July 200796.762.7664.9
August 200796.262.7265.2
September 200795.262.5565.7
October 200797.764.8766.4
November 2007101.565.4764.5
December 2007102.865.6963.9
January 2008104.365.9263.2
February 200810465.8363.3
March 2008106.866.2262
April 2008108.166.4861.5
May 2008112.667.1159.6
June 2008118.267.9757.5
July 2008119.568.1257
August 2008113.267.2459.4
September 2008112.967.1859.5
October 2008106.466.1862.2
November 200894.964.4467.9
December 200889.563.9971.5
January 200986.663.6573.5
February 200990.964.1870.6
March 200990.664.1470.8
April 20099564.768.1
May 200997.766.9268.5
June 2009102.767.5865.8
July 200910367.6765.7
August 2009104.467.7664.9
September 2009106.370.0565.9
October 2009105.169.8966.5
November 2009108.770.3364.7
December 2009108.370.2964.9
January 2010111.872.7865.1
February 2010112.172.8765
March 2010116.173.4963.3
April 2010120.575.1962.4
May 2010121.575.3362
June 2010118.174.7663.3
July 2010117.574.7363.6
August 2010116.574.5664
September 2010115.274.364.5
October 2010117.775.6864.3
November 2010119.175.8763.7
December 2010122.176.3162.5
January 2011128.380.3262.6
February 2011128.880.3762.4
March 2011132.981.0761
April 2011135.880.5359.3
May 2011136.980.7759
June 2011136.180.5759.2
July 2011135.680.5559.4
August 2011135.780.6159.4
September 2011135.680.5559.4
October 2011134.580.4359.8
November 2011133.780.2260
December 2011132.580.0360.4
January 2012133.580.2360.1
February 201213580.4659.6
March 2012138.581.0258.5
April 2012142.581.6557.3
May 2012138.480.9658.5
June 2012133.880.2860
July 2012132.279.9860.5
August 2012135.580.4959.4
September 2012140.281.3258
October 2012138.981.1258.4

Is it any wonder that all the shops and factories are closing - Just look at the tax on each litre
and this is the result
Empty main road

Look at Portugal's Ghost Roads

Time Traveller