The European Super Highway of Debt |
These info-graphics shows how much banks borrowed to Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal & Spain (GIIPS). Europe is in a deep crisis, and this shows how much must be repaid. |
€100 |
€100 - I bet you wish you could push print. ;-) |
€10,000 |
€10,000 - Approximately 1/3rd of the €30,000 each Greek owes to the Government of Greece, when you split the Greek government debt across the whole population, which is €30,530 per citizen. |
€1 Million |
€1,000,000 - Not as big of a pile as you thought, huh? Still this is 92 years of work for the average human on earth. |
€100 Million |
€100,000,000 - Approximately the size of the bonuses that CEO's of big banks during the financial crisis. Good thing the bonuses are wired to the account, taking your Christmas bonus home in the trunk of the Limo doesn’t work. The trunk is too small. The small €1 Million is for comparison. Fits nicely on an ISO / Military standard sized pallet. |
€2 Billion - A Truck Load Full of Cash |
€2,000,000,000 - Greece's budget deficit is €24,125,000,000. So Greece will need to borrow 12 of these trucks this year full of €100 Euro bills in order not to bankrupt. [Source] |
€61.6B | #2 biggest lender to GIIPS country Governments |
€61.7B | #1 biggest lender to GIIPS country Governments |
€122.3 Billion - Money bankrupting Governments borrowed from 2 Big Banks |
€122,300,000,000 - Biggest lenders: Bank Intesa SanPaolo & Bank BBVA gave a total of €122.3 Billion to struggling European Governments - Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal & Spain. The Intesa SanPaolo convoy is ~514 meters long and the BBVA convoy is ~505 meters long. |
€560 Billion - Amount borrowed from Banks by Governments of bankrupting countries |
€560,410,000,000 - Greek, Irish, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish governments borrowed little over half a trillion Euros from the banks shown below. All banks on the list borrowed over €10 billion to GIIPS. Now the banks are worried if they will get it back. For the curious: The info comes from the European Banking Authority's Stress Tests and is labeled as "Results of the 2011 EBA EU-wide stress test: Exposures to sovereigns (central and local governments)". |
€428.3B | #2 biggest lender to GIIPS country private sector |
€828.6 Billion - People of bankrupt countries borrowed €828.6B from two large European banks. |
€828,600,000,000 - Intesa SanPaolo & Banco Santander lent a total of €828.6 billion to GIIPS in loans to institutions, corporations, retail business, mortgages, commercial real estate, etc, also called private debt. Intesa SanPaolo's convoy is 3.8 kilometers long and Banco Santander's is 3.5 kilometers long. In technical terms this is called "Credit risk exposures (EAD - exposure at default)". The info is sourced from European Banking Authority's website - 2011 Bank Stress Tests. |
€400.2B | #2 biggest lender to GIIPS country private sector |
€400.2B | #2 biggest lender to GIIPS country private sector |