I am so thankful to have a TV-free household.
For a while now, we've been without TV by choice; the exorbitantly-priced cable programming, or satellite TV, was not worth it.
Not only was most of the 'programming' (apt word, there) worthless, but it was usually outright offensive or obnoxious, and the advertising especially was more and more in-your-face with the multicultural messages.
At best, TV makes one depressed, because it depicts this utterly alien and (to most of us here) dystopian universe, which it presents as normal and desirable, not to say inevitable.
You will conform
You will resign yourself to a relentlessly uniform 'global village' wherein you will feel alienated and lost.
You will be absorbed into the fake, illusory (and dystopian) world of the media.
You will surrender to this slime
Over the years, technology has influenced the kind of activities we pursue.
Youtube took over reading, online games replaced outdoor games, and Facebook n Twitter are now more important than real social gatherings!
It's a common belief among ethnopatriots and ethnonationalists that shedding our attachment to the media would be the best possible course of action. TV, Hollywood, popular music and videos, all have been turned into little more than vehicles for propaganda.
Not only is the Babelist, globalist agenda being rammed down our throats, but there is the pushing of various consumer goods that keeps people fixated on toys, gadgets, distractions of various kinds.
It is this whole package that has people transfixed, blinding them to what is going on in the wider world, or even right in their local area.
The media counterfeit of reality becomes more real to many people than the actual world around us.
If only we could wean our children in particular from the pernicious media, and shield them from the pollution that is TV these days.
What a difference that would make to our society.
Unfortunately, though, just as with pornography, even if we ourselves don't partake of it, we have to live in a society which is porn-saturated.
We get it second-hand, as it were, and the same is true of TV.
I know a great deal more about TV series that I have never watched than I care to know, but there's no real escape from it.
It's in the air we breathe.
But using something like Roku or other means of streaming media content to your TV enables you to select what you want, and to filter out the garbage.
There is more than just streaming Netflix, Hulu or Amazon videos; there are old movies and old TV shows , material from the Internet Archive, podcasts galore, music of every variety.
There is life without TV. It's possible to enjoy some media via streaming, but in moderation.
There's an addictive quality about TV that is not present when you can 'just say no' to the TV habit, and tune out the propaganda.