NHS recruits thousands of doctors from Third World... while limits on places deny British students chance to study medicine
- Health Service is hiring one third of its doctors from 143 different nations
Third World Standards in our Hospitals
Each day, 4 patients in the UK die from hunger or dehydration in our hospitals.
2011 a total of 115 patients died from dehydration and 48 died of
malnutrition as a direct cause whilst a further 812 were suffering
from dehydration and 301 from malnutrition as a contributory cause when
they died.
one case, a patient was so thirsty he dialled 999. The police officer
who attended said that he twice witnessed staff ignoring the patient’s
request for water.
Apart from lack of food and dehydration, 78 hospital patients and 39 care home patients were killed by bedsores. A
total of 21,696 people who died were recorded as suffering from
septicaemia, which is usually brought on by insufficiently cared-for
I wonder why?
People live in fear of being ill and having to go into hospital to be treated by Africa/Asian, Filipino nurses, being tribal these people are only interested in their own.
And still nurses are still treated like some sacred cow, considered to be beyond critisism.